Your November Horoscopes
13 mins read

Your November Horoscopes

The intensity of this past month’s eclipses has brought so much change and destruction in the world at large, and we are still marinating in the trauma they brought. It feels like the end of days, but the astrological climate promises that collectively and personally, we can integrate these harsh endings to move gracefully into a hopeful and softer tomorrow. One by one, most major planets that have been in retrograde have gone direct in recent months. Venus and Mercury had their impactful retrogrades, and now we turn our attention to Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, which will cascade into their direct movement as we move into the coming year. Retrogrades pull us within for our ultimate evolution, destroying the old and resetting into the future with a refined focus.

It’s important to mention that we find ourselves now in the mystery and magic of Scorpio season: an energy which all 12 signs can benefit from. Scorpio’s themes are similarly linked to the renewal we’ve received from these eclipses and particularly the empowerment one needs to stand tall and create change. It is here where we are embraced by Scorpio’s warm and gentle waters, offering movement between worlds and helping us to be sensitive, loving, and patient with ourselves as we move through death and rebirth. In the silence of night, we listen and grow closer to our guides and spirit council. It is here where we find our link to the cosmos and nature, feel the spin of the earth, and grieve and celebrate how nothing stays the same so that evolution can occur.

At the beginning of the month, on November 4th, Saturn stations direct. Saturn, the planet that governs rules, responsibility, and control, has called us to reassess our commitments and responsibilities towards others and ourselves since it went retrograde this past June. This month, it moves forward at zero degrees Pisces, which gives us stronger discernment and a clarified mental state that relies on intuition. Saturn is a strong and authoritative planet dealing with staunch and serious themes, and we are finally coming out the other side. With so much gone, it is now our responsibility to create the proper structures for consistency—in both money and relationships—to materialize a new flow of energy in the world. A new Moon in Scorpio on November 13th is the perfect soil to plant these intentions so we can create new Karma, growth, and success.

At the end of the month, the sun makes its movement into Sagittarius, pointing our arrows toward the future and setting the stage for the year to come. A full moon in Gemini on the 27th will activate everyone’s mental state and force us to understand differing opinions. It is during this moon when you are asked to set intentions for your new cycle of growth based on the clarity you’ve received this year.

Based on the astrological climate and with the help of my trusty tarot cards, I prayed, shuffled, and wrote a monthly horoscope for each of the 12 signs. Please find your personalized horoscope below.

Aries: Three of Pentacles

All of the plans you’ve made are in place, and you certainly have the right team around you, helping you to build the foundation you desire. When you’ve found yourself stuck financially in the past, it’s usually at times when you’ve endured pain. Aries do well when they feel well, but now you’re shifting and realizing that you can no longer be a victim of your circumstance, and the majority of your pain has been self-inflicted. By letting go, being present, and agreeing not to hurt yourself anymore, you open up to structure and forward movement again. You are ‘in the zone,’ and your power is instant! Expect a huge goal to come to fruition quickly this month. Enjoy a new peace as you settle into the reality that it’s all in the works.

Taurus: Five of Swords

You may feel misunderstood when trying to communicate with people who are living in a fantasy of what could’ve been. It’s exhausting to build a safe haven for other people and still get beaten over the head when you get home. You’re encouraged to stick to your guns and focus on completing the goals you set out to create long ago. Sometimes, you must show tough love to guide people toward their own potential because they’re not able to see it themselves. Your strength is on display this month, and you will receive back what you put in once you align with your values and what you hold true. Other people who are slanderous or sneaky will be handled by their own karma, and that is no fault of yours. The truth is the truth.

Gemini: The Magician

When your back is up against the wall, you’ve proven time and time again that you can pull a rabbit out of a hat, making something out of nothing. It took time to accept the way things ended even though you weren’t happy with the hand you’ve been dealt. Your expectations were not met, perhaps because you communicate subliminally and they didn’t get the clue, but you are freed from this cycle as you’re reminded of what you do have. Your goal of finding happiness and joy is already in motion. Your thoughts are clear, and you actually have an incredible ability to manifest your desires. Look around—you have what you need.

Cancer: Nine of Swords

During sleepless nights, thoughts are replaying in your head, validating the part of you that doesn’t believe you have what it takes. Perhaps these are your own cruel thoughts or voices and opinions from others in the past. There’s lots to do, and you must learn to separate yourself from these old beliefs because there is so much exciting momentum to come. This month, it’s like your mind is in overdrive, but your circumstances are wonderful. Surrendering your darkness for light will make you joyful about what’s next. You’re encouraged to take a new leap in your life and, above all, not care what people think. This is hard for you as you love so deeply, but it’s the courage of being autonomous that brings you closer to unity. You must put the oxygen mask on yourself before assisting others.

Leo: Three of Cups

Hurray! You’ve earned a celebration with friends. Keep having fun with everyone around you because anxiety will continue to fall away as you realize what truly matters. Remind yourself to have gratitude in these moments, and your goals will manifest more quickly. Remember how lost and confused you were this past year, and you will be reminded that abundance is an emotional principle. It begins in your heart and expands outward, multiplying itself in many ways. All you need is love.

Virgo: Four of Pentacles

You’re listening to the signals that are telling you to hold on to your money now. Keep what is yours so it can grow later. The world is divided and uncertain, and because of this, you’re encouraged to spend what you have and feel stable the only way you know how. When the time is right, you must take on the same selfishness you witnessed and disliked in others when you were younger. Now that you’re older, you realize this life is for you, and you get one chance, so make it good.

Libra: King of Wands, Reversed

Guilt is probably the hardest part of moving on because guilt eats up time. You want to be yourself and experience change, but other people’s experiences are affecting you and overshadowing your own story. Take some time to rest and refuel yourself this month, and you’ll find a more efficient way of carrying the burdens you bear. You must have fun with life again, and that starts with distancing yourself from people who take away your light. Enjoy a shift of perspective this month as you learn how to free yourself from boundaries and remind yourself that love always shows up when you need it.

Scorpio: The Magician

There’s no doubt you’re walking towards opportunity now, Scorpio. You seem to manifest everything so effortlessly, and this month, as the sun illuminates your star sign, you are encouraged to use this ability and reframe how you bring in money. There have been many instances where you did not get what you deserved financially and felt a burden when asking for what you deserve. This month, you’re taking responsibility for your gifts. Really see the life that you want, the home that you want, the way it all looks, smells, and feels–you will soon realize you have everything you need to make it a reality. It’s time to step into the limelight and show the world what you can do.

Sagittarius: Nine of Pentacles, Reversed

The Nine of Pentacles Reversed says you’re very close to gaining the luxury and pleasures life holds to be yours, but you’ve been accepting less for so long that you’re being called to source your self-worth. This will require an inward journey of discovering your deepest desires. By doing this, you may realize that part of the reason you accept less is because it’s more important for you to give, connect, and share kindness, ultimately putting yourself second. This doesn’t mean that you have to be ruthless and selfish; it just means that you must reconnect with yourself and what’s important to you, and gravitate towards the people that reflect these desires. By reconnecting with others, you will be able to enjoy the pleasures of life.

Capricorn: Ten of Wands, Reversed

Recent opportunities are awakening you to untapped potential. There’s a chance here for you to find a new layer of yourself and your work that you’ve never given much attention to. In the past, the rug was pulled out from under you, and it perturbed you to the point that work and life felt like labor instead of joy. By reflecting with a refreshed perspective, you will feel young, joyful, and creative again. There is no need to set lofty goals this month; instead, flow towards what makes you happy and alive, and life will bloom and open for you as it should. Start by having fun.

Aquarius: The Magician, Reversed

Why do you feel pulled back towards the past? There are hiccups this month, and you’re trying to move forward, but there’s a rope around your ankle somehow blocking you from creating what you need to. If you find yourself feeling up against the wall, reconnect. This year, you’ve refined all of your positive traits, and you now have all the tools in front of you to make your dreams come true with exact precision. Right now, instead of aligning with your purpose of being an innovator, you’re overindulging in moods that no longer fit you. Take this month to relax and restore your belief in yourself. You’ve done it before, and you’ll do it again, even bigger and better this time–-make the past a stepping stone and the present a precursor of what’s to come. The sooner you vibrate with the energy of everything around you, the sooner you’ll pave a new way to fortune beyond your wildest dreams.

Pisces: Queen of Pentacles, Reversed

This month, you may find it difficult to focus on the task at hand. Procrastination and untethered feelings create an imbalance in your work and home life. This can be risky for you, Pisces, as you can be easily tempted to return to dark or addictive patterns to escape from reality for a bit. If this resonates, go back to the beginning and listen to the direction life has put you in thus far. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, and you can certainly ask for help from others if you’re honest with yourself first. Take this month to move slowly and be gentle with yourself.

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