Over 100 customers line up for Black Friday deals at Nederland boutique, Baubles and Bliss
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Over 100 customers line up for Black Friday deals at Nederland boutique, Baubles and Bliss

Baubles and Bliss is one Nederland boutique celebrating a win after over 100 customers stood by waiting to shop at their local business for Black Friday deals.

Kim Rascoe who owns and operates Baubles and Bliss with her daughter says the first three customers in line arrived at 4 P.M. on Thanksgiving day and by the time the doors opened at 6 A.M. Friday, the number of eager customers had surpassed 100.

“I can’t tell you how much we appreciate people shopping with us,” said Rascoe. “It’s very important to small business owners that people do shop small on Black Friday.”

Rascoe expects the store will see over 500 customers for Black Friday, bringing in thousands of more dollars than usual. She believes people are drawn to smaller stores because larger chains have moved away from traditional Black Friday sales.

“I feel like they started their Black Fridays weeks ago and people are still excited to get in line, to get a special gift for being the first in line,” said Rascoe. “I think it’s great for the community, but it’s also great for us as a small business because this sets the tone for our holiday season.”

Rascoe says the money generated from Black Friday will allow the business to make necessary repairs, order more brands, and give back to the community.

Customers at the store were treated to door prizes, a 30 percent off sale for the entire store, and other discounted items referred to as “doorbusters.”

“We have jewelry, we have accessories, we have gifts, and we have what we call a little bliss section for little girls ages five to 11 and we also have some things for the little boys as well,” said Rascoe. “I feel like we have a little something for everyone.”

Taylor Huckaby is one customer who shops at the store once a month. She came to the store with her family in search of Christmas themed items.

“We didn’t come with the rush this morning, but I think it’s important to shop small business because this is their livelihood,” said Huckaby. “I like the feeling of coming in the store and knowing the people who work here. They always have things that fit me whereas some of the larger stores don’t always have that.”

Rascoe says the sale is only offered once a year.

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