Your December Horoscopes
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Your December Horoscopes

Fasten your seatbelts for a wild ride because, in the true spirit of the holidays, we’re about to embark on a sleigh ride that’s filled with all things sweet, salty, and extra spicy. The month opens with a freshness when Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into hardworking Capricorn on December 1st. We have until December 13th to take advantage of practical communication, strategic thinking, and a disciplined mind before the final Mercury retrograde of the year begins. If you can, try to tie up any loose ends before December 23rd when Mercury slides back into impulsive Sagittarius and diligence goes out the window.

One of the most blissful periods of the month arrives early when Venus, the planet of taste and desire, enters Scorpio on December 4th. While Venus in Scorpio isn’t traditionally the yummiest transit, her time here this month is different because Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will be sending little gifts of luxury to her from the indulgent sign of Taurus. If you’ve been craving a spa day, then your invitation comes the weekend of December 8th.

On December 12th, we’ll hit the reset button with a New Moon in Sagittarius. This is a potent opportunity to manifest your wildest dreams and desires thanks to its ruler being expansive Jupiter and dynamic Mars in Sagittarius animating it even further. In the immortal words of Jiminy Cricket, “When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.”

The Winter Solstice arrives on December 22nd, one of the most pleasant days of the month. Before we endure the long march through winter, we’re offered a moment of revelry to be proud of all the hard work we’ve put in this year. On that same day, Mercury will mark the halfway point through its retrograde with a clarifying Cazimi; that means if there are any last-minute preparations you need to do before clocking out of 2023, this is the time to do so. Shenanigans and a “fly by the seat of our pants” attitude ensue once Mercury moonwalks back into Sagittarius on December 23rd.

During limbo, AKA the week between Christmas and New Year’s, we’ve got an action-packed cosmic agenda. First, a heartfelt Full Moon in Cancer arrives on December 26th with a sweetness that reminds us to relish in creature comforts with a dash of healthy escapism. Then, on December 27th, Mercury joins Mars in Sagittarius, instigating a daredevil attitude and a willingness to share our hottest takes. If you need an escape plan, look to tender Venus in Scorpio connected to Neptune in Pisces. Getting lost in your favorite book, movie, or creative flow state offers a reliable emotional exit plan. By December 29th, Venus will depart from mysterious Scorpio into the more enterprising Sagittarius, ushering in a New Year’s filled with spontaneity & inspiration.

The exclamation point on both December and 2023 is Jupiter *finally* stationing direct in Taurus. After spending the past 3+ months reviewing and refining the ways we’ve grown in the Taurus sector of our chart, we’ll enter 2024 in the most characteristically Jupitarian way possible: filled with enough confidence and conviction to take over the world!

Important dates in December 2023

  • Friday, December 1: Mercury enters Capricorn
  • Monday, December 4: Venus enters Scorpio
  • Tuesday, December 12: New Moon in Sagittarius
  • Wednesday, December 13: Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn
  • Friday, December 22: The Winter Solstice, AKA Capricorn Season (+ Mercury cazimi!)
  • Tuesday, December 26: Full Moon in Cancer
  • Friday, December 29: Venus enters Sagittarius
  • Saturday, December 30: Jupiter goes direct in Taurus

Horoscopes By Sign

As 2023 comes to a close, your to-do list is as long as Santa’s naughty or nice list. So, focus your energy on the bigger picture of your growth goals through December 13th. Whether that’s booking your next trip abroad, submitting a college application, or enrolling in a writer’s retreat, let the first half of the month be about plotting a purposeful project for 2024. By the end of the month, vulnerability will be your superpower. If you lean in, there’ll be nothing to stop you from charting your course to the stars.


December invites you to go deep and get intimate. Once your ruling planet, Venus, enters Scorpio on December 4th, your relationships will require a little more listening and compromise. It may not be easy to strike the balance between personal freedom and passionate emotional bonds, but your knack for embracing life’s transformative experiences with an adventurous spirit will help you find it. By the end of the month, Jupiter will station direct in your sign, meaning you’re in store for a beautiful reawakening of self just in time for the new year.


Love is in the air for you this month. You’re about to have a major glow-up next year but before that happens, you’re asked to set some ground rules for what success in work and relationships should feel like. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be retrograde most of the month, so it’s a good idea to get any time-sensitive or tough work done early in the month so that you can enjoy a head start on a slowed-down holiday season. Give a little extra love to your nervous system this month too; your spirit will thank you for it.


Let yourself prioritize rest as a powerful form of productivity this month. Daily responsibilities will require substantial attention for most of the month, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be all work and no play. While Venus is in Scorpio, your fun-loving and creative side will be craving as many outlets as possible. A Full Moon in your sign at the end of the month ushers in a variety of opportunities to connect with friends, family, and even a few lovers. You’ve come so incredibly far this year, so let’s toast to that!


Capital F-U-N is on the menu this month! The recipe for success? Being able to get out of your comfort zone by making it all a playful game. As we move from Sagittarius to Capricorn season, remember that stoking the flames of creative inspiration is also taking care of your wellbeing. You’ve been devoting so much time and energy this year to your working worlds so make sure to schedule plenty of rest and relaxation at home to avoid losing steam. Cultivating a solid work/life balance will guarantee that you continue stepping into your power as you charge into the new year.


Lead by example this month. Your home and (chosen) family have evolved substantially this year, and it’s time for the final push. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be retrograde for most of the month meaning you get to slow down and bask in the messiness of what it means to be human. If life starts to feel confusing or daunting, try putting pen to paper as a way to digest it all. Beware of exes sliding in your DM’s too. It could be fun to rekindle an old flame, but don’t let their charms cloud all the lessons you’ve learned this year when it comes to what you know you need & deserve in a relationship.


As your ruling planet, Venus, finishes her final touches on your latest glow-up, you’re poised to receive major abundance this month. Since work has required a structural overhaul this year and that process will continue for some time, use December to build a schematic that schedules extra rest at every possible juncture. The world will continue to sing your praises even more when you take time to fill up your own cup, especially at the Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th.


Your keyword this month is worthiness. Over the course of Sagittarius season, and especially on December 12th during the New Moon, consider how you’re spending your time, energy, and money. If you notice any lingering scarcity mindsets, then consider this your opportunity to embrace the reality that you are worthy of everything in this world. Venus in your sign this month also provides a delicious dose of love and romance. It may be time to swim deeper into the warm waters of intimate connection.


Break a leg this month, superstar! It’s your time to shine, and the world is excited to see who you reveal yourself to be this time. Ever the philosopher-adventurer-storyteller supreme, your constant elevation and commitment to the multi-hyphenate is an inspiration to everyone around you. If things have been feeling arduous at work lately, then rest easy knowing that by the new year, there will be plenty of accomplishments to celebrate. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, stations direct in Taurus on December 30th, ushering in a New Year’s that all of the other signs will likely be very jealous of.


You are the sum of your parts, and this month is all about understanding who and what makes you tick. December begins with Mercury moving into your sign, and you’re encouraged to use that energy by dedicating some time to introspection through practices like meditation and journaling. Expect clarity to arrive once your season begins on December 22nd. By the end of the month, especially leading up to the Full Moon in Cancer, you’re given a cathartic window for healing through partnership. Let the track ‘Lean on Me’ be your soundtrack, and it’ll make your New Year’s so much sweeter.


This month will test your tenacity, but don’t fret because friends and family are there to provide you with a safe haven. Investing in new and existing friendships will open all of the right doors for you in the new year. Once Venus enters Scorpio on December 4th, it’ll be time to get real about whether your work feels aligned with your vision of success. It’s scary taking a leap of faith, but everything you put out right now will come back to you manifold. It’s the season of giving, so don’t forget to give back to yourself!


Protect your peace this month, Pisces. December includes many high notes for you that celebrate how fantastically far you’ve come this year. Whether it’s at a holiday party or at home with loved ones, you deserve to be recognized for the work you’ve put into cultivating your creativity, health, and intuition. Since both of your chart rulers, Jupiter and Neptune, station direct this month too, you’ll find that the path forward becomes much clearer for both personal and professional growth going into the new year.

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