How To Rainproof Your Makeup This Monsoon Season: Tips And Tricks
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How To Rainproof Your Makeup This Monsoon Season: Tips And Tricks

How To Rainproof Your Makeup This Monsoon Season: Tips And Tricks

Photo : Instagram

The season of rain is here and most of us cannot wait to get cosied up in the cool breeze. The pitter-patter of raindrops might be a respite from the scorching summer, but it can wreak havoc on your makeup. Imagine you spend all your time acing your makeup for the day and the moment you step out all of that goes for a toss. Nightmare right? This is exactly what happens when you don’t gear up with the changing season. But this year we are going to change the scenario and make your makeup rainproof to make the most out of the rainy season with our flawless makeup looks.

To bring you the ultimate monsoon-ready makeup tips and tricks we connected with Mamta Naik, Associate Vice President – Product Development at SUGAR Cosmetics. She said, “While applying heavy makeup may not be advisable, you can adjust your routine by swapping certain products.”

Here are the makeup tips shared by Mamta Naik for rainproofing your makeup look.

Makeup tips for monsoon

Stick to light skincare

During the rainy season, always remember that less is always more. So, you may want to consider pausing the usage of heavy moisturisers and facial oils for skin preps. Instead opt for gel-based moisturisers and lightweight serums enriched with hyaluronic – which gives the skin a dewy glow, sans the stickiness.

Use a primer to ace waterproof makeup

If you want to ace waterproof makeup and avoid runny foundation fiascos then refrain from skipping the usage of primer. Look for a primer that can keep your base intact for up to 16 hours, is oil-free, works like a blur tool for your skin, and minimises all signs of visible pores, wrinkles, fine lines, and of course textured skin.

Stick to feather-light formulas for base

The last thing you’d want during the monsoon season is to deal with major skin problems aka clogged pores, breakouts, and dull skin. Since heavy foundations can mingle with sweat and rain to create a not-so-pretty picture, it would be best to keep them shelved for rainy days. If you are looking to step up your makeup game with a fresh base, go for BB creams, concealers, or light foundations featuring a feather-light formula that doesn’t weigh down your skin.

Water-proof your base with mattifying powder

Resort to a setting powder to lock in your base. Irrespective of the look you’ve opted for, make sure that you are dusting off a matte powder on your face and neck to absorb any excess moisture and meltproof your makeup. Go for a translucent powder that doesn’t dry out your skin.

Try waterproof eyeliners/mascaras

To put a safe foot forward in the eye makeup department, look for waterproof eyeliners/mascaras. Some of the eyeliners/mascaras available are long-lasting for up to 16 hours, have easy-to-glide tips, and are smudge-proof. Check for eyeliners/mascaras that have a 100% transfer-proof formula that stays put without smudging, creasing, or clumping.

Waterproof your lips

While you should pucker up right with smudge-proof lipsticks during the monsoons, it is important to line your lips to prevent lip bleeds from flaunting a perfect pout. Look for lip liners that are water-resistant and have a gel-based formula. For lipsticks, complete your look with airy lightweight, long-lasting, transfer-proof lipstick shades of nude, pink, or peach for the win.

Use a setting spray

To seal your look, make sure to spray a setting spray on your face after you’ve completed your makeup. Setting spray helps your makeup last longer than usual.

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