A Day-In-The-Life Of A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Tiktoker
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A Day-In-The-Life Of A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Tiktoker

Movement empowers me. By moving and training my body, it grows stronger. Having a strong body means I can do more with it. I enjoy lifting weights and doing cardio, and find this combination makes me feel my best. Running is also my go-to. I love going for a 5k run but with no time pressure or goals – just at my own pace. If I’m feeling like it, I’ll push myself. 

Empowerment is also about allowing myself to slow down. I want to enjoy every step of my self-care routine – to put myself first and really take care of my body.

I’m a total bookworm and reading is an integral part of my wind-down routine. I know I’m late to the game, but I’m currently obsessed with It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover; I can’t put it down. 

At night, I never have the big lights on. I love soft lighting and candles for warmth – it’s all about creating really tranquil energy. Sometimes I’ll give my space a clean too, so that all I need to do is settle into my sofa and relax. Scent is super important here too, so candles and applying a bit more of my scent from Impulse are non-negotiables. 

Fajitas are my favourite dinner to cook. It’s just so quick and always an easy way to work in great flavours. When it comes to dessert – it’s a little random, but hear me out. I take a protein bar and pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds. It turns into the gooiest, warmest dessert – almost like a brownie. You need to use the ones that are solid with a filling inside, or it won’t work, but trust me, it’s a game changer. 

After I’ve done my nighttime skincare, I catch up on any YouTube videos I’ve missed, which relaxes me. Alternatively, I’ll put on a couple of comforting TV show that I know and love.

Follow @LaurenSarahLife & shop her Impulse scent At Boots.com

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