They will harm you: During the summer, forget these cosmetic products
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They will harm you: During the summer, forget these cosmetic products

03.07.2024. 19:44h

During the summer, in addition to products such as sunscreen, there are others that you should not use, but at the very least, avoid. Whether you’re hitting the town or heading to a seaside destination in the coming weeks, it’s important to adapt your skin care to the demands of the season to keep your skin healthy, glowing and protected.

Magazine It brings you five beauty products that you should forget about during the summer.


Skin care products containing retinoids are powerful products that provide many benefits such as brightening the skin or reducing hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and acne scars. However, you should not use them during the summer or when you plan to be in the sun for a long time. Retinoids can increase the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, increasing the risk of sunburn and sun damage. For the warmer months, it’s better to choose gentler products like hyaluronic acid or ceramide to provide protection for your skin.

Heavy powders and concealers

Powders with very high coverage can be problematic when exposed to sunlight. These products often contain thick formulas that can clog pores, leading to acne breakouts, heat-induced skin irritation and congestion. In addition, they can create a barrier on the surface of the skin that prevents it from breathing and effectively regulating temperature. We recommend opting for lighter, sheer alternatives, such as tinted moisturizers, BB creams, and lightweight concealers. And if you can find ones that contain SPF, all the better.

Mascara that is not waterproof

Technically, this mascara won’t damage your lashes or skin. In the summer, the degree of humidity increases, which can cause the mascara to smear. The waterproof version, on the other hand, creates a protective barrier around the eyelashes that is resistant to moisture, ensuring that eye makeup stays put all day.

Bergamot oil, lemon and orange oil… and all citrus essential oils

Although citrus oils can lighten the skin and blemishes, they also increase the skin’s sensitivity to the sun. These oils contain compounds that make the skin more sensitive to phototoxic reactions when exposed to UV rays, which can lead to sunburn and hyperpigmentation.


PHAs (polyhydroxy acids), BHAs (beta-hydroxy acids) and AHAs (alpha-hydroxy acids) have properties that make their use harmful when exposed to the sun. Since they promote rapid cell renewal, they make the skin more sensitive to UV radiation, so it is best to avoid products containing these acids during the summer.

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