Woman takes wild revenge on hairdresser who accidentally soaked her with water
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Woman takes wild revenge on hairdresser who accidentally soaked her with water

There’s nothing like a visit to the hair salon.

It chills you out and enables you to feel a little better about yourself. But that wasn’t the case for one woman, whose reaction to get splashed has gone viral.

The TikTok clip was shared by @salon31rotherham – it has been liked more than four million times, and it’s racked up thousands of comments. However, some people have noticed a slight problem.

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The video had a note written across the top of it, which reads: “My favourite animal is this client when I dropped water on her forehead.”

As the clip progresses you see the hairdresser look away while she’s washing the client’s hair. But, a few seconds later, she ends up accidentally soaking the woman’s face. The client suddenly gets on her feet, grabs the water head and soaks her hairdresser with it. It leaves staff at the salon totally bewildered, as the client storms out.

People have been left in hysterics since watching the video, as they can’t believe the woman took such drastic action over the soaking. Apparently, you never know what’s going to be someone’s last straw.

One person said: “That had to be her last straw. I wanna know what happened to her earlier that day.” Another commented: “I’m crying – it was so aggressive.” A third chimed in, saying: “In her defence, she kept wiping it off til you literally waterboarded her.”

A fourth also wrote: “Wow. I’m so sorry this happened to you. It was not called for, and was very aggressive.”

But some viewers spotted a clue that raised suspicions about the authenticity of the incident. The use of the hashtag #prank got people wondering if the whole thing was just a set-up. If it’s all just a bit of fun, it’s certainly duped loads of people, but one thing’s for sure – it’s given us all something to giggle about.

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