Masquerade on Main showcases young aspiring models
8 mins read

Masquerade on Main showcases young aspiring models

In conjunction with Art Battle at DeLeon Plaza, C&J Show Productions held a Masquerade on Main Fashion Show in Victoria, which featured clothes from local boutiques and showcased aspiring models.

“This is a different vibe for Victoria and brings with it a big-city feel,” says Jane Pierce, producer of C&J Productions. 

High fashion, art and beautiful things was the idea for the show held Friday night, Sept. 13. Pierce says they went to local boutiques asking for sparkles, leather and feathers, and they did not disappoint. A total of 19 young women and men from the Crossroads area helped model the looks while wearing masks. 

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Serena Paris, 26, has been modeling since she was 16. The fact she was photographed for a magazine cover sparked the flames of her interest in the industry.

“I just have so much fun playing dress up,” Paris says.

Her advice to aspiring models is to just have fun and not care about what others say. After creating a portfolio complete with headshots, she says, potential models must figure out what type of modeling they want to do. 

“Create the art you want to create and never do anything that makes you uncomfortable,” Paris says. 

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Zachary Serenil, 21, was excited night to be doing his first runway show. After taking his senior graduation photos, he realized he enjoyed it and decided to pursue modeling. While modeling photoshoots are hard to come by here in Victoria, Serenil was motivated to take part in the Behind the Mask Fashion Show.

“There’s nothing like this in town,” Serenil said.

Serenil hopes to venture more into runaway modeling and for a modeling agency to take notice of him. He’s looking forward to one day moving to a bigger city and getting more modeling opportunities. 

Since there are no agencies in Victoria, it can be difficult to get started. But local events like this can help get one’s foot in the door. Not only does the fashion show help aspiring models, it also helps local businesses in the area both on and off the runway. 

“Events like this benefit downtown by bringing guests and business to the area,” Pierce says. 

Fashions were provided by:

  • Peaches and Tortilla
  • Essential Notion Studios
  • Lilly Grace Boutique 
  • June and Jade
  • Drew Deemer
  • Styles by Christine

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