Victoria’s secrets: A week of beauty and fashion
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Victoria’s secrets: A week of beauty and fashion

Rabbi Marc Schneier (second from l.) hosted producer/director Rick Minnich and the Grennfield family.

It was with delight that I saw the invitation to the viewing of the new movie “The Presidents’ Tailor” at The Hampton Synagogue. And earlier in the week two friends shared their fabulous photos from Fashion Week.

“The Presidents’ Tailor” tells the story of the remarkable journey of Martin Greenfield, from his horrific days at Auschwitz to his days in the White House. The film, entered into multiple festivals, is being shown around the country.

“The Presidents’ Tailor” tells the story of the remarkable journey of Martin Greenfield
Martin Greenfield with Bill Clinton

When I saw the documentary, the packed audience gave it a rousing round of applause just days after its showing at the IFC Center to qualify for an Oscar entry. 

The documentary, which is less than an hour, took us on Martin’s journey mending shirts for the gestapo in the Auschwitz prison camp when he was 15. Coming to America, he found a low level job at a famous clothier and rose in the ranks to supervisor, eventually becoming an owner. 

What Martin provided was the finest quality design and fit for menswear and his reputation made him supremely successful, working in his business for 71 years.

My favorite scene was Martin’s birthday party at the Friars Club with guest speakers Colin Powell and former Mayor Mike Bloomberg, dressed in Martin’s suits. I laughed when Mayor Mike delightedly told the birthday guests how Martin would put a piece of paper with advice in the pockets of the suit he made for his powerful clients, from Dwight Eisenhower to Barack Obama.

The vignettes have been woven into a compelling story by director/producer Rick Minnich, who is looking for funding for the film’s distribution. 

For more information and showing times, visit

To help build business for Israeli designers, my friend Tobi Rubinstein is supporting a pop-up show of eight brands of clothing and jewelry scheduled from Sept. 25 to Sept. 27 at 501 Tenth Ave., with an entrance on 38th Street.

Israeli designers at the pop-up show.
As seen in the pop-up design show.

My talented designer friend Nabys Vielman also had his show, and I’m happy to share some of his latest fashions.


Nabys Vielman with models showing off his latest designs

Manna at Lobster Inn reopens!

I had the opportunity to dine with dear friends at Donna Lanzetti’s newly reopened Manna at Lobster Inn, offering freshly brought-in fish, from lobsters, to cod, to bass and more, perfectly prepared by her chef. 

Donna Lanzetti (r.) hosted Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright, Jay Hirshenson & I at her Manna at Lobster Inn.
Lindsey Ackerson, chef of Manna at Lobster Inn, even created fabulous desserts.

For their days, hours and menu, visit


Love to you, my dear readers. 

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