Zebedee Modelling Agency: Redefining Beauty and Championing Inclus…
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Zebedee Modelling Agency: Redefining Beauty and Championing Inclus…

In the heart of the bustling, ever-evolving fashion industry, a beacon of change has emerged from the United Kingdom. Zebedee Modelling Agency, founded in 2017, has been at the forefront of promoting diversity on the global stage. With a resolute mission to fill catwalks with a kaleidoscope of humanity, Zebedee has not only championed models from all ethnic backgrounds but has also been a vocal advocate for the inclusion of those with visible disabilities and transgender individuals. This relentless pursuit of equality and representation has culminated in remarkable milestones, such as the significant presence of diverse models at London Fashion Week and captivating features in top fashion magazines.


A Vision for Equality

At the core of Zebedee’s ethos is the belief in equal opportunities for all. Co-founder Laura Winson, with a luminous vision for the fashion industry, posits that creativity, moral integrity, and financial success are not mutually exclusive but are, in fact, enhanced by diversity. The agency represents over a thousand models across Europe, the United States, and Australia, each with their unique story and beauty. Despite the palpable progress, with about half of London Fashion Week’s shows now featuring a rich tapestry of ethnic backgrounds compared to a mere 14 percent a decade ago, Winson feels the industry’s pace of change is still lagging.

Breaking Barriers and Building Dreams


Zebedee’s impact transcends the runways; it reverberates through the stories of its models. Take, for instance, Ellie Goldstein, a young woman with Down syndrome who graced the cover of British Vogue. Her success is not just a personal triumph but a landmark in the journey towards a more inclusive fashion landscape. Yet, Winson and her team encounter ongoing challenges, particularly in convincing brands to book disabled models. The struggle is not merely for visibility but for the dismantling of entrenched prejudices and the fostering of a genuinely inclusive culture within the industry.

The Path Ahead

The journey that Zebedee Modelling Agency embarked on seven years ago is far from complete. With every catwalk they diversify, and every campaign they inspire, they chip away at the monolith of traditional beauty standards. However, Winson’s aspiration for the fashion industry to fully embrace diversity requires more than just the efforts of one agency. It calls for a collective awakening and accountability from brands, designers, and stakeholders to ensure that the beauty celebrated on our stages and pages mirrors the richness of humanity. Despite the slow pace of change, the resolve of Zebedee and its models remains unwavering, lighting the way for a future where every individual can see themselves reflected in the tapestry of fashion.

In the narrative of the fashion industry’s evolution, Zebedee Modelling Agency stands out as a pioneering force for diversity and inclusion. Through the dedication of its founders, the courage of its models, and the support of like-minded entities, the agency is not just redefining beauty—it’s reimagining a world where fashion is a vibrant celebration of all humanity. The strides made thus far are commendable, yet the collective effort to accelerate change continues. The tale of Zebedee is not just a story of breaking barriers but a beacon of hope for equality, creativity, and unity in the global tapestry of fashion.

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