Cinderella’s Bridal Boutique Unveils the Beauty of Real Women Thro…
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Cinderella’s Bridal Boutique Unveils the Beauty of Real Women Thro…

Imagine a world where beauty standards are not just challenged but redefined, where the narrative of who can be seen as beautiful broadens to include every woman. This is the vision that Mandy and Doug, co-owners of Cinderella’s Bridal Boutique, are bringing to life with their first charity fashion show on March 8. In a move that celebrates diversity and inclusivity, the event will showcase real women, from their 20s to 50s, modeling the boutique’s latest wedding gowns. But this show is more than just about fashion; it’s a beacon of hope and a testament to the strength of community spirit, aiming to support underprivileged children through The Principle Trust.


Empowering Women, One Gown at a Time

The fashion show stands as a bold statement against the conventional body image insecurities, with former customers of various ages, shapes, and sizes returning as models. This initiative draws inspiration from the boutique’s ‘Real Women Week,’ a project inspired by Mandy’s terminally ill friend, Molly Fuchs, which allowed women to experience the joy of trying on wedding dresses without the pressure of an impending wedding. Among the models are Susan Fleet, Mandy’s first customer, and a visibly pregnant Kayleigh McLocklan, both embodying the boutique’s ethos of celebrating real beauty. Cinderella’s Bridal Boutique, established in 1999, has become synonymous with diversity and acceptance, having supplied over 5000 wedding dresses with a wide price range to accommodate every bride’s budget.

A Night of Fashion for a Cause


Set in the charming venue of Elsworth at the Mill in Skipton, the charity fashion show promises an evening of elegance, empowerment, and philanthropy. Tickets, priced at £15, include a drink and nibbles, with all proceeds contributing to a noble cause. The Principle Trust, dedicated to providing respite holidays for disadvantaged children, will benefit from part of the event’s proceeds. This collaboration highlights the boutique’s commitment not only to empowering women but also to making a difference in the wider community. Interested attendees can secure their spot for this exclusive event through the boutique’s website, promising an unforgettable night that celebrates the beauty of diversity and the power of giving back.

Inspiration from Beyond the Bridal Shop

The ethos of Cinderella’s Bridal Boutique echoes a broader movement within the bridal industry towards inclusivity and body positivity. A notable example is the story that went viral on TikTok, where a woman found a designer wedding gown at a Goodwill store for $25, inspiring the dress designer, Galia Lahav, to donate wedding gowns to thrift stores across the country. This act of goodwill, reported by Upworthy, serves as a reminder of the evolving perceptions of beauty and the importance of accessibility in fashion. Cinderella’s Bridal Boutique’s charity fashion show is a continuation of this narrative, proving that real beauty transcends size, age, and convention.

The event on March 8 is more than just a fashion show; it’s a statement, a celebration, and a call to action. By showcasing real women in their gowns, Mandy and Doug are not only challenging societal norms but also fostering a sense of community and support for children in need. Cinderella’s Bridal Boutique, with its rich history and deep-rooted values, stands as a beacon of hope and empowerment, proving that every woman deserves to feel beautiful and every child deserves a chance at happiness.

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